Cameron Olthuis - Factive Media
What should you monitor? Industry, Company, People
Where should you monitor? Google & other search engines. Google news. Blogs. Social media sites: YouTube, MySpace, Digg
Key sites? MySpace, youTube, flickr, Delicious, Digg
What can you do?
- Link out to sites that speak favorably about you.
- If someone said something bad, reach out to them to see if they are willing to change/pull their post/comment.
- Put out fires early so they don't spread?
- Monitor your Google top ten on key search terms.
Andy Beal - Tracking Your Biz Buzz
- Radically Transparent: Monitoring & Management Reputation book due out early 2008.
- To monitor industry-wide, use or Yahoo feeds by industry.
- For mainstream news use
- To track news buzz use Digg. Or dig deeper with to get an idea of what is popular.
- Technorati is great for blog posts. Google blog search also.
- To track conversations use
- To see if others pick up on blog conversations on other blogs use
- For blog trends use
- is good for tracking bookmarks.
- For searching photos use Flickr alerts.
- is handy for video search across the video sites.
- Tags, use Keotag to browse across Digg, Delicious, Furl, Reddit and subscribe to an RSS feed for a particular keyword.
- Forum posts are tough to track but you can use tracks ~25k+ message boards.
- Wikipedia is an important site to monitor.
- For customer reviews, epinions is important to monitor.
- is handy for tracking tags on new products.
- Use for trend tracking.
- Don't like RSS? Use for email alerts.
- For tracking page changes use Copernic for $50.
- also does tracking and forms an RSS update.
For crisis management online i.e. dealing with comments on forums and blogs. Move it off web, into phone conversations. Its tough to defend a position online. Reach out to the community manager also. Hold out an olive branch.
The Rip-Off Report is in business to make money off negativity. If you have a negative item up there, consider spending $10k+ with them. They might put a no-index on the page or change the URL of the negative item.
Here's ten ways to fix your Google reputation.
Geoff Livingston - Managing Your Brand (Mop Up Work)
You can't control negative comments, particularly if you're in the consumer business. Prince can't, neither can you. Old techniques are losing strength. Enter the new era of PR (WOMM). Dell has a 23% negative comment ratio now. Before is wa 49%. George Allen Introduces 'Macaca'
- Squidoo helped get The Buzz Bin to the top posting.
- Monitor your activities. Use Radian6, Buzzlogic and Cymfony.
Crisis PR: Monitor the web ad media 24/7. Give up control of the message, but know you can respond. Timely responses can quell the storm. See popcorn's diacetyl crisis. The organic alternatives started commenting, identified themselves and wond ground.
- Acknowledge wrongs and the steps taken to correct the problem. Don't repeat errors.
- Publish a co-joining statement.
- If someone is complaining and you can't affect change, acknowledge their remarks. Make them feel heard.
- Little guys matter, too!
- Consider the source (trolls will be trolls). Trolls are negative all the time and track people/companies incessantly. If you click through their web site and see a litany of negativity. Don't lash out. Don't go into attack mode.
Don't wait for a crisis before you start responding.