MAKING A MILLION -- Dec 3 -- I've used a few (white label dating) systems to run my own brands on, but most recently and I have run enough volumes, over long enough periods to produce what I consider reasonable data sets. Key Performance Indicator 1 - Rollover commission: The % of previous months commission from sales that has rolled over in to recurring commission this month. KPI 2 - 3 mth Recurring. The % of commission from sales 3 months ago, that has rolled over in to recurring commission this month.
White Label Dating First 4 Months
Rollover Commission = 72.3%
3mth Recurring = 29.3%
World Dating Partners First 4 months, Best, Last 4 months
Rollover Commission = 27.2%, 55.7%, 44.1%
3mth Recurring = 1.21%, 15.5%, 13.2%
1) with 50% rollover commission, £1000 earned commission in month 1, 6 months later this will have earned a total of £1985.
2) with 75% rollover commission, £1000 earned commission in month 1, 6 months later this will have earned a total of £3466.
This means over 6 months you'll earn 75% MORE with a rollover conversion of 75% instead of 50%. Over 12 months that's 95% more you'll earn. The rollover % is MASSIVELY important on any residual income you generate, forget conversion rates!
The full article was originally published at Making A Million, but is no longer available.
This post also appears on OnlinePersonalsWatch.