The Attraction-Similarity Model and Dating Couples - INTERNET DATING SCIENCE

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Fernando Ardenghi

The authors should use data from online dating sites and repeat their procedures using the 16PF5 and not the Big5. Anyway they will conclude compatibility is all about a high level on personality* similarity* between prospective mates for long term mating with commitment.
*personality measured with a normative test.
*similarity: there are different ways to calculate similarity, it depends on how mathematically is defined.


If there is no attraction then not even being 100% similar will lead to a succesfull match. Attraction cannot be explained as it has to do with our make-up, DNA and past experiences.

Can someone please get back to me on using the above information in my blog and newsletter distribution. Thanks!


My problem is I do not know where to go to meet men. I was at a beer isttang last Saturday saw plenty of guys but none of them seemed interested in me. If I do not see someone who is interested in me by watching me or making eye contact with me I will not approach them. I work out and try to eat right but I feel unattractive and I am tired. I hate this struggle with my weight, looks and trying to date. I just want to throw in the towel. All I truly want is too be happy with myself, I do not need a man to do that. I do not want to get married again I just would like a best friend and lover. I put an ad on Craigslist under strictly platonic looking for a friend and still nothing. I go out with friends to bars and restaurants I was thinking about trying better bars to maybe find better men. My friend tries to get me go to her favorite bar but I hate it there because almost all of the men that come in there have slept with one of the female bartenders. Who in there right mind wants that?

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