Evan Marc Katz asked me for some recommendations on office tools and I started writing an email, and then thought I'd share the tools with everyone. Good luck with them. I currently use all of the following...
For the best deal on easy payroll processing. Paycycle and SurePayroll are more comprehensive alternatives.
Bank of America
Allowed me to open 16 accounts with no monthly fees, so clients mail payments directly to dedicated accounts. Helps streamline invoicing and lighten my admin load. The portfolio manager allows me to track all my investments in one place and graph progress.
Chase Freedom Credit Card
1% cashback, adds up fast. Make sure they give you a card type without a cap on the rebate!
Identity Guard
Keeps track of my credit rating and alerts me of identity fraud attempts.
An essential tool for sending invoices.
Stop getting ripped off on foreign exchange.
Leave your money online here for the best paying money market account around. Currently 4.6%. Takes three days, and is free to transfer money to any bank account, when you need it.
Pays all my bills, automatically. I also use it to pay the Courtland Brooks team.
I email and mail my receipts and they take car of scanning them in.
Check out the Emerging Markets, S&P 500 and Target Retirement indexed funds.
Saving up for my future kids education.
I'll add lists under categories for Management, Telephony, Web, Fun and Hardware that I use each Thursday for the next 5 weeks. Click on the 'Tips' category (see category cloud to the right) for future reference.
Please leave a comment if you have any additional finance tools or sites, etc, you can recommend from personal experience.