I bought a Kindle on eBay and it was delivered this week, on the very same day the Kindle 2 was announced. Damn-und-blast! Having had a chance to look over the Kindle 1, and the reviews of the new one I think the first iteration might suit me better. I actually like the little scroll wheel selector. It's been replaced on the new version with a pointer. But there's something appealingly retro about the wheel. It's simple and easy to work with. The weight of the first and second version Kindle are pretty similar, despite the Kindle 2 being a lot thinner. So no advantage there. The screen refreshes 20% faster on the new one, apparently. Thats nice. But they removed the SD card slot. The SD card slot in my Kindle 1 will come in handy for the Audible.com books I plan on loading into it. Beyond that, the Kindle 1 just has a look that is pleasing to me. I like the little slanted keys, and prefer a sizable next page button to the Kindle 2 characterless keys and smaller next page buttons. I also like the rubber back on the Kindle 1, to the metal back of the Kindle 2. All in all, I'm a fan of Kindle and would highly recommend it. The whispernet works great. I also looked at the Sony book reader but was put off by the jacked up prices of the books. eBooks should cost less, and Amazon's $10 pricing on most books hits the mark. Still, what were they thing charging for access to blogs like TechCrunch. That just doesn't compute.