Don't fret! Most of the stuff around you, you can't really control. You
CAN control your actions, your mindset, and your micro-environment to some
extent. But you can't control most of the things you'd be inclined to worry
and tear yourself up about.
"Control the things you can control, and don't worry about the rest." This lifeline changed my life. I first heard it as part of my training for Airpic in the summer of 1994. Here's the context. 'You can go out and sell aerial photography door-to-door but you can't really control sales. You can't CONTROL someones decision to buy. You CAN however control the quality of your demonstration of the product, and the quantity of demonstrations.'
That made a lot of sense to me at the time. And the lifeline has made a whole lot more sense in many other contexts since I took it to heart and made it part of my life, since 1994. When I first heard it, I found it gave me a lot of relief. Thank goodness. I really couldn't control sales. The pressure was off. All I need to do was model the best people, modify the pitches to make them mine, and then get my ass out and be faster than anyone else.
It worked a treat. With Airpic, with all my jobs since, and most especially with my company Courtland Brooks. I know I can't control if my clients get picked up by the press, or if a potential partner decides to do business with us. But I CAN can make sure the press and potential partners get great and compelling information, and make sure to follow up. So, I learned from my experience with Airpic, to take the heat off myself. I couldn't control the end result. I just had to break-down the actions needed to make the chances of meeting a favorable end result more favorable. Then do them. ...and not worry too much. :-)
"Control the things you can control, and don't worry about the rest." This lifeline changed my life. I first heard it as part of my training for Airpic in the summer of 1994. Here's the context. 'You can go out and sell aerial photography door-to-door but you can't really control sales. You can't CONTROL someones decision to buy. You CAN however control the quality of your demonstration of the product, and the quantity of demonstrations.'
That made a lot of sense to me at the time. And the lifeline has made a whole lot more sense in many other contexts since I took it to heart and made it part of my life, since 1994. When I first heard it, I found it gave me a lot of relief. Thank goodness. I really couldn't control sales. The pressure was off. All I need to do was model the best people, modify the pitches to make them mine, and then get my ass out and be faster than anyone else.
It worked a treat. With Airpic, with all my jobs since, and most especially with my company Courtland Brooks. I know I can't control if my clients get picked up by the press, or if a potential partner decides to do business with us. But I CAN can make sure the press and potential partners get great and compelling information, and make sure to follow up. So, I learned from my experience with Airpic, to take the heat off myself. I couldn't control the end result. I just had to break-down the actions needed to make the chances of meeting a favorable end result more favorable. Then do them. ...and not worry too much. :-)