On Sat 27th Oct Irena and I flew to Dubai for our 2nd honeymoon. We took a desert tour where we blazed over dunes and then dined under the stars while watching belly dancing and nearly having our fingers chewed off by a falcon. The highlight was sitting at the Mango Tree Thai restaurant looking out at the Dubai Fountains and up at the Burj Dubai. Later we took a tour up the Burj.
Then Irena left back to Malta, and I flew on to Sydney on Friday 2nd Nov, to speak at iDate Australia. The highlight was seeing 'School For Wives' at the Opera House, and hiking over the top of the Harbor Bridge. Tanya (CEO, Dating Factory) and I won our bet on the Melbourne Cup.
On Mon 12th Nov I flew to Vancouver to fly my mother back to the UK. My highlight was flying next to the pilot of a seaplane from Vancouver to Victoria.
On Wed 21st Nov mum and I flew back to the UK. I met up with Irena and we attended my nephews wedding at Hemswell Court. It was picture perfect.
Then on Tue 27th Nov Irena and I flew to Moscow to study AnastasiaDate. An amazing company. Our highlight was going to the Bolshoi theater and touring the Kremlin Armory where we managed to snap this shot of a 700 year old crown. ...I finally landed back in Malta on Sat 8th December.