Singularity University has a rockstar faculty and regularly attracts celebrity businesspeople onto their course. So I wondered who might show when I did their one week executive education course in January. The illustrious and controversial futurist Ray Kurzweil was speaking, so I knew I'd be meeting him. ...and Chris Anderson showed up as an attendee. Chris Anderson is the curator of TED.
We curate the news for three industries now. iDating, Wearable Computing and Social Networking. So I was slightly star-struck, and itching to meet Chris, the king of curators.
Then, on the second morning of the week-long course, I jumped into the hotel elevator and there was Chris. We talked and he invited me to share a breakfast with him, one-on-one. He's very thoughtful and considerate. I picked up some tips. Then we sat next to each other on the bus and he shared his vision and concerns for the future of the welfare of humanity. Literally. Chris has designs on encouraging and inspiring the biggest wealth creators on the planet to share and donate more and change their attitude of what 'success' means. Ultimately to change the way economics from the wealthy class to the rising classes work.