NEW YORK--June 14, 2004--FunHi, online's most elite social network, announced that in its first five months of operation it has a combined value of over one million dollars in virtual gifts received by members, account credit and gift shop inventory...Version 1.0 is implementing a velvet-rope door policy. There is now a virtual outside waiting area for people seeking to join the FunHi community. The invite-only site now closely models the exclusivity of a real urban after hours club. BUSINESS WIRE
FunHi is targeting the same young hipster crowd as Site looks a little cheesy but I really like the way they are seeding their community with the closed door super exclusive format. I think MySpace and Friendster are already there though. Anooother social network??? (Yawn)
Posted by: Mark Brooks | Jun 14, 2004 at 07:29 PM
There is really very little comparison between FunHi and Myspace or Friendster. It's more like a virtual night club. I have spent over a month on FunHi and find the site is purely a form of entertainment. Myspace is more like Friendster than FunHi is like either of them. FunHi is in its own space.
Posted by: Raphael | Jun 15, 2004 at 05:17 PM
I've been a member of FunHi for a lil over 3 weeks. The funny thing is I never even thought of it as a social networking site at all. It seemed more like a game with hot girls really, an addictive one at that. You cannot really compare Friendster or myspace to funhi, if you do for sheer fun, FunHi kills them. Don't get me started about the girls, they make the freak fest on other sn sites look like a dog parade, and they TALK!
Posted by: MelanieZ | Jun 19, 2004 at 06:53 AM
I checked out funhi, took me over an hour to take it all in...
that virtual gift shop is basically what the web has been waiting for all these years. These guys are cashing out on karma and their overhead is zero. This is a bit hard to grasp but from what I see funhi isn't social networking at all, i see no netork relating users together, no six degrees to be found etc.. It seems to me to be a virtual club, the likes and depth of which the net hasn't yet seen. If those #'s are true then this is the next big thing.. the only question is.. what's the buzz word?
Posted by: humbertLo | Jun 19, 2004 at 07:49 AM
I have been on funhi a month after it first started. The site has changed alot, I was there when the "giftshoppe" was first introduced, which I must say, is just a money scam obviously but some people are willing to pay HUNDREDS of dollars just to put a little gif. icon on somebody's page. I for one must admit I like the icons, however I have not donated a single penny to the site, I have relied on the plat and gold cards I've recieved or WON from others.
Funhi, by far, is one of the most interesting, addictive sites I have been on, not for the site itself, but for the people. All in all, everyone rocks! They have Funhi hangouts (forums) where everyone just blows it up and has fun, thats where you get to know people, thats where the addicting part comes in.. "funwhoring" thats what we funwhores like to call it :P.
Very different from myspace and other sites like because of the interacting with others, its not like on myspace "add friend" "comment". Here it is more "be a fan" "hookup" "give a gift" "hangout (thru their forum where you can meet the other people that the person has hooked up with)".
Wow I've written a friggen essay, well I have alot to rave on about the site, I quite like the velvet rope thing that they have introduced, but I think it is mean how they are making the men pay to get into funhi now, unless they guy is hot or something. But I guess they just want it to be exatcly like an "exclusive" club, which I must say, I'm happy to be a part of, YAY!
Posted by: yoink | Sep 23, 2004 at 07:34 PM