PROVO, Utah, /PRNewswire/ -- MingleMatch announced it recently exceeded 170,000 members that have taken advantage of the Color Code Relationship Profile service. ...Provides subscribers with a greater level of personal awareness, more accurate matching of members, and an insightful compatibility assessment. ...45-question profile. ...25 niche online dating sites.
Users are getting beyond browsing. They want smart matching. MingleMatch is simplifying an element of smartmatching with color coding which should improve usability, in theory. Smart! Has anyone tried this out? Add a comment.
Posted by: Mark Brooks | Jul 02, 2004 at 04:53 PM
jewishmingle supposed to be for jews but just exploits this ethenic minority as it allows everyone irrespective of race, creed or religion to use the site and more to the point it has a draconian unfounded way of losing customers - anyone can report anyone for violation of their terms of agreement and even if its false jewishmingle will delete the profile - great way of ensuring customer retention - and when you question jen@jewishmingle as to who made a false report of course you get no reply so good is there customer service they dont even reply to faxes - well there is currently a lawsuit out in california against yahoo for none disclosure of such information lets see what the outcome is
Posted by: Britbabe | Aug 06, 2004 at 01:25 PM