NEW YORK (Reuters) - There's good news and bad news for aspiring brides: Many young men still want to marry, but most prefer to put it off until they are good and ready. "Most men are the marrying kind," said Barbara Dafoe Whitehead, a director of the National Marriage Project at Rutgers University in New Jersey. ...49% of single men 25-34 would tie the knot tomorrow if the right woman came along. 53% said they are not interested in getting hitched any time soon. ...Many young men are waiting until they have a good education and a firm financial footing. Meanwhile, they want to enjoy the single life.
In Silicon Valley it seems there's ever more gray haired dads running around with their kids. More the norm than the exception these days. Is it the wife and kids that give the dads the gray hairs I wonder? :-)
Posted by: Mark Brooks | Jun 24, 2004 at 06:26 PM