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Fernando Ardenghi

Many new sites will try to specialize in different topics (like pets, children, food, education), to serve a niche market, but the objective is to build an online community not a GHETTO. Online community is a group of persons that interact each other and in OnLine Dating and Social Networking, a person who is paying a fee is a client –not a free user- and of course, sooner or later, will like to meet other compatible real persons. (high reliability). He or She is not loosing precious time, He or She is investing in a long term relationship with future in mind.

Perhaps there is no need to be and independent site. In my own case, I am trying to world launch the algorithm I have invented, as a premium service to complement actual online dating, making friends or a personal net/social networking company’s long-term strategy.

Kindest Regards,
Fernando Ardenghi.
[email protected]

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