The Story of Money, Love and Friendster - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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I am blown away at that many page views for - out-Friendstered? It looks like Friendster has a small gang with knives compared to MySpaces' Well Armed Forces! 2 BBBbbbillion - Unreal!


So, who audited MySpace's page views? ;-)

As for what's up Scott Sassa's sleeve: nothing. Yet another clueless entertainment exec recruited by an irrationally exuberant board. Seriously; word from the inside is this guy's a complete tool; knows NOTHING relevant, and is driving the company straight into the ground. Maybe he's trying to read the APAC market -- the long way.

John Doerr should know better by now. Expect him to pull the plug fairly soon.

Private labeling Typepad ain't gonng make this dog hunt.

Friendster Layouts

Friendster attracted the wrong ad demographic - mostly asian teenagers, which caused their eventual demise, meanwhile Myspace got the most US users of any social network. However, even Google is having problems monitizing myspace with Adsense. The best advertising solutio has yet to be invented for social networks like Myspace and friendster.

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