Comcast's Dating On Demand: - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Probably in beta stages. Not like there are a whole lot of companies doing this. I think this is good, it's better alternative to video dating.

Still doesn't hold anything to the interactivity of online dating. It probably won't. As msn's Media Center get in homes it will be just as easy to pop open the iebrowser and get to any dating site of your choice.

jim rayman

very burtal review!!!!!!!,. i was look'n 4 someone that i saw on comcasts local tv dating. that man must have a such ass veiw on life in general! Dude pull your head out it is not any ones faul but yours ! dumbass! this comment is for a man . no i don't spell very well but i do have much better outlook on life WOW! the world WILL be MUCH better of if u never reproduce !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anthony Porter II


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