OPW -- The background checks legislation will be heard in the Florida Senate in it's final committee review next Tuesday. Brace yourselves. This is critical. If approved it will go through to a vote in the Senate.
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Here are the email addresses of the people on the Criminal Justice Committee. Be sure to reference SB 1768: Background Checks for Online Dating
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Posted by: Glenn Gasner | Apr 22, 2005 at 03:43 AM
Oops! Forgot one:
[email protected]
That's all 8 of them.
Posted by: Glenn Gasner | Apr 22, 2005 at 03:53 AM
Yes, hard to belive after my story went out on all National Papers, when I was band from a dating site for dating to many women, then went around the world on Reuters and soon a Media Frenzy began with everyone wanting my story, can also be seen on Google, or Yahoo and MSN, even all over the world, just type in Clive Worth. And now, after 47 years of searching, I found me a women, I can remember standing in the School Yard, aged 10, saying to myself, I need a partner, from then on a started dating by the thousands, yes, thousands, because my addiction started then at the age of 10 but as my stories go, I fell in love over 100 times, made love to over 1000, had over 200 relationships and was classed as the UK no one Casanova. A name that the miners underground put on me as far back as the 60is but the Media only took interest in me after I got band from a dating site and now I have at long last found me the no one women in my life, aged 61, older than a lot of the dolly girls I have had but an old fiddle plays a good tune and I am also an old Bull now aged 57 a Retired Miner and now Retired from online dating after many years of dating and now women are going mad at me for not dating them, boy I cannot win with them, they get me band for dating to many and now complain the other way about me, a well, they are after all women,
Posted by: Author Clive Worth | May 17, 2007 at 11:15 AM