Social Networking Attracts Interest - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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"Huge viral traffic volumes are keeping the major players afloat with healthy advertising fees right now. "

Sure my space is displaying mortgage ads, weight loss ads etc. But when you look at thier traffic does it really make sense for advertisers?

110,000 signups per day

Males: 8,641,000
Males 12-17: 1,764,000 - 22% Reach
Males 18-24: 1,745,000 - 16% Reach
Males 25-54: 3,970,000 - 9% Reach

Females: 9,062,000
Females 12-17: 2,452,000 - 31% Reach
Females 18-24: 1,846,000 - 18% Reach
Females 25-54: 3,860,000 - 8% Reach

Fernando Ardenghi

Social Networking Sites had understood that they will never make money or enough profit offering only the "networking concept by itself".

They morph to a CHEAP CHANNEL for deliver ADS, "an infomercial-advertainment company on the web" promoting exclusive contents for members, and they have to offer FRESH, NEW and WELL differentiated contents from competitors every day. It will be a great challenge for them to survive.

Kindest Regards,

Fernando Ardenghi.
Buenos Aires.
[email protected]

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