Imeem Launches P2P Social Network - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Markus Frind

American singles said they were doing about 15 million pageviews a day. shows that they spent $1.4 million a quarter on technical operations.

Normally only about 50% of pageviews can support ads, americansingles could serve 7 million pageviews/day * 30 days * 4 months = 840,000,000 ads servered over 4 months.

$1.4 million / (840,000,000 pageviews /1000) = $1.66 CPM in technical costs.

I have yet to see a advertiser pay over $1/cpm for a dating site. Add in operational costs and marketing and they are going to need $10/cpm+ just to break even. That is assuming they reach a point where they have millions of pageviews a day.


hey markus, a quarter is 3 months, not 4


Fernando Ardenghi

Most interesting to see:

As of March 31, 2005
There were only 222,600 paying members (subscribers) over a database of 10,000,0000 members

conversion rate was == 2.23%
subscription fee represents their primary source of revenue

Kindest Regards,

Fernando Ardenghi.
Buenos Aires.
[email protected]

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