The Internet's New Social Order - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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GA Bass

While I agree with most everything the author writes, I have to wonder what ultimately becomes of a society where people in quest of relationships prefer to seek anonymity and otherwise hide their character. While there are increasing social sites online there is more suspicion and consequently less engagement in the three dimensional brick and mortar world. It is a least somewhat ironic, if not pathetic, that people can voice their proclivities in cyberspace while they walk past each other on the sidewalk more intent on their usually banal cell phone conversations than in the environment around them. While I can see the positive aspects of human interaction, the global capability the sharing of interests and a certain candor, I also see its consequences. We are an increasingly awkward and inarticulate society who prefers to engage in jargon rather than more definitive descriptions of our modern condition.

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