Vumber President & CEO, Cliff Wener and Jodd Readick - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Note from Jangl here.

While I admire your transparency in declaring your counselor/client relationship with Vumber, I'm hoping you can advise them to either a) be more forthcoming about their market position or b) read more widely.

To be clear, Jangl has already announced its two-way anonymous phone number solution -- we began offering it in private beta since April 2006, and just rolled it out nationally a few days ago, on the heels of our news.

To Mr. Wener's claim that, "We have not seen any company offer a similar product in which you can get an anonymous, two way, disposable number that works on any phone," my only response is that he clearly doesn't read enough.

Nonetheless, Jangl welcomes the buzz around this space, and looks forward to a growing market. We would simply hope that all involved parties pursue their goals while demonstrating both candor and accuracy.

Your disclosure gets points in the candor column, Mr. Brooks. Thanks for that.


Saïd Amin

Assume for a second (or two) that I know nothing about such telephony services and that I am as green as grass.

Cliff Notes: in what ways does Vumber differentiate itself from Jangl? Unless I am mistaken Jangl offers a disposable mutual number (yes, no, maybe?).

Life is good.


Nic Hughes

When we did our market research we came to some very similar conclusions, a considerable number of online daters would like to pick up the phone if
1. Its as simple as any other phone call
2. They retain the privacy and control they expect from online dating.
3. They do not have to think about pre-payment accounts or paying some new bill.

Where I would have to disagree with Cliff and Jodd is that nobody is offering this service. The Entrust System was completed and installed in September and our first dating client will be offering it to their customers later this month.

Mark, its a shame we did not get to talk at iDate in Amsterdam, even so I did send you a white paper a while back when you asked what we do. That should have made it clear that we deliver exactly what Cliff describes Vumber as developing, two-way anonymous calling without any special calling codes and which works on any phone at all whether mobile or landline.

Cliff Wener

Dear Tim,

The market is ready for a product in which you can get an anonymous, two-way, disposable number that works on any phone. Our product is simple to configure and use without any widgets, codes or authentication challenges. We believe that users will choose to use a product that does not require complex programming or special phones.

Cliff Wener


Cliff: The market is ready for a product in which you can get an anonymous, two-way, disposable number that works on any phone.

Jangl agrees completely -- our customers, numbers, and current partner all point to the same conclusion.

Cliff: Our product is simple to configure and use without any widgets, codes or authentication challenges.

According to your website, you don't have a product yet. But disregarding that, I'll be curious to see it when it arrives without some of the capabilities and safety assurances that widgets and authentication procedures provide for both end-users and potential partners.

Cliff: We believe that users will choose to use a product that does not require complex programming or special phones.

Again, since Jangl requires neither complex programming nor special phones, we would have to agree.

@ Said -- Yes, Jangl offers its customers an unlimited number of relationship-based numbers that are anonymous for both parties. They can be used from any phone, with anyone service provider or telco, with nothing to download or install. You can use them for one call, or keep them forever -- your choice. We also offer this service online, via widget and our interface, which means people can connect their web persona -- email, IM, blog, profile, etc. -- to their phone, with maximum privacy and control. In a nutshell, that's it.


Cliff Wener

Cliff: The market is ready for a product in which you can get an anonymous,
two-way, disposable number that works on any phone.

Jangl: Jangl agrees completely -- our customers, numbers, and current partner all
point to the same conclusion.

Cliff: Our product is simple to configure and use without any widgets, codes
or authentication challenges.

Jangl: According to your website, you don't have a product yet. But disregarding
that, I'll be curious to see it when it arrives without some of the
capabilities and safety assurances that widgets and authentication
procedures provide for both end-users and potential partners.

Cliff: We prefer to keep our beta trials private. I remain confident that users will choose to use a product that does not require detailed programming, widgets or special phones. Our system is extremely secure and still does not require widgets nor codes written on paper napkins.

Jangl: Again, since Jangl requires neither complex programming nor special phones,
we would have to agree.

@ Said -- Yes, Jangl offers its customers an unlimited number of
relationship-based numbers that are anonymous for both parties. They can be
used from any phone, with anyone service provider or telco, with nothing to
download or install. You can use them for one call, or keep them forever --
your choice. We also offer this service online, via widget and our
interface, which means people can connect their web persona -- email, IM,
blog, profile, etc. -- to their phone, with maximum privacy and control. In
a nutshell, that's it.

Cliff - I believe that we have complementary products. Our approach is certainly different to yours. There will be a fit for both in the market! We wish you the best of luck!

Cliff Wener

free online dating

of course there are some absolute benefits to this service, but are there any safe guards in place to stop the system from being wide open to abuse, by that i mean, crank, callers, harrassment etc all from an anoynomous number

Ellen Smith

What a good life indeed..
Thanks for this, I totally vouch for your trasparency,

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