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Does True include current martial status in their background checks? I Googled "dating married women" and saw this sponsored ad:

Married women dating
Free Sign Up & 7 Day Trial.
Search Thousands of Profiles Now!


as someone who has met "the one" eHarm wins hands down. if you use your judgement i guess any of the sites can work for you.


It is probably showing based on the keyword dating. Funny thought though. :)


I actually say a PPC ad for last night with a title of "horny nipples". How can True possibly be viable in certifying their membership if they're actively selling sex? I bet they have a very high % of horny married men signing up because of PPC ads like that and those very provocative ad banners they run.

It amazes me how True how pulled of their great success - from a branding perspective they're a disaster - a utter contradiction.

Richard Williams

TRUE.COM is a SCAM...anyone with a valid credit card can become a paid member.The claims are FALSE...there is no "background check" and they have their employees flirt with phoney e-mails until the SUCKER becomes a "paid" member. "Endorsed by PSYCHOLOGY TODAY is not true either as I have already contacted a rep at that site.Psychology Today merely endorses one of the questionaires that True.Com uses and God only knows who they are selling your information to. True claims 10 million members....9 million are probably SPOOFED photo,no information except the made-up screen name and a made-up location. The owner donated $25,000 to the Texas Attorney General in 2000. I wonder what he was trying to buy with the "donation." Recently he has been trying to squash his competition with new state laws requiring background checks for other dating site's members. The owner of should be jailed for FRAUD. Turns out that NONE of the women who supposedly sent "winks" to me actually did.All the winks were generated automatically by True.Com's computer system...more claims I requested that crap when I entered my profile. Ha!So what does the multimillionaire owner need to SCAM thousands of people for??? GREED !!!

Richard Williams

Some of these dating sites leave the profiles on there about forever,that way they can claim the tens of thousands of members. Look at the calculated age and compare it to the claimed age....some are 6-7 or more years different. That means the profile has been on the site for that difference in years.

Stephen Muckler should be report to the same site they claim to turn people in to You know the people that are Married or are Convicted Felons this Site can be googled by typing IC3 go to the home page and report them for Internet Freud. That's what I have done after they charged my card when I was signing up with the free 3 day trial they charged it immediently they refused me access to the site because I failed the background check for what reason I do not know. Then I e-mail them and they refuse to return my e-mail.

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