PR NEWSWIRE -- Mar 26 -- The boat will be docking at Lake Havasu, AZ, where 12,000 OBC-branded condoms will be distributed free to college students during Spring break, March 28 through April 1, 2007. "This is one boat whose cargo, we hope, won't leak," said Moses Brown, founder of
The full article was originally published at PR Newswire, but is no longer available.
Mark Brooks: Moses knows his niche. I've not seen OBC P.R. get picked up in the press, but it makes for a fun read, and it gets the members talking. The best kind of P.R. works in tandem with word-of-mouth marketing and advertising. The recent advertising is a good example. Their black and white TV ads of real members gets people talking, is different enough to be newsworthy, and is good advertising.