New Ranking: by Online Dating Success Stories - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Sam Moorcroft,


Thanks for the post. Do you give bonus points for babies resulting from matches?;-)

We call them "Cafe babies" :)

We have another testimonial about a baby going up shortly. That's one every month so far in 2007.

Kathryn Lord

Totally cool, Mark. I love it. What a great feature to highlight, rather than hyping fear of criminals, rapists, and child molestors. I have long been mystified by the dating sites' ignoring of their success stories, particularly since my husband and I are one of many examples -- we met on in 1998. And I remind of that on a regular basis, to no avail.

I collect success stories on my blog: These stories are just the kind of inspiration that easily discouraged singles need. Dating sites ( and Yahoo! Personals particularly), let's see more and more!!!

Jackie Elton

A few thoughts on the featuring of success stories:

Like Christian Cafe - we run a Christian dating site - but its limited to the UK and Ireland - and we have several hundred success stories including babies.

We reckon that says something both about Christians being more prepared to get married and share the news than perhaps people from our secular site.

The difficulty with success stories is that:
- people don't always want to give permission to feature them on the front of a website. That is especially the case with photographs and full names. British people may be more reticent...and our media may have fewer qualms about copying them and printing them..

- its easy to make up success stories - we know plenty of sites which do.

- Also what constitutes a success story?
engagement (if people subsequently get married, does the site replace the engagement story)
great relationship?
good experience with the site.
good date?

And a question -

are the stats you have picked up all the success stories to date that a site features or just the yearly or monthly figures...

Jackie Elton


Hey there--

I am currently casting for a new show for ABC and we are
looking for all different types of recently married couples. The couples will compete in fun games and in the end, one lucky couple will WIN A DREAM HOUSE!!

Check us out at and please spread
the word to anyone else you think might be interested. This
really is an amazing opportunity!
Feel free to contact me with questions at [email protected]


Christian Dating

I also help run a Christian dating site called Real Christian Singles.

There's photo galleries, forums, members searches and articles for Christian singles.



Interesting Post!
You missed a site with plenty of success stories. Three pages of them and counting.
Single Christian Network.
The count would top several of the sites listed.

Clark, Founder

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