MARKET WIRE -- July 25 -- The Chinese economy is hot. Their stock market is up over 43% since March. There are over 380 million consumers in China between the ages of 18 and 34. These consumers prefer Chinese goods over American or Japanese goods. They are also more likely to research products via the internet and to surf, email, blog or IM according to a BIGresearch survey.
The full article was originally published at Marketwire, but is no longer available.
Mark Brooks: I just spent two months in China. Once people start using and trusting credit cards, and the online ad market matures, the Chinese internet dating market will dwarf the USA market. However, for now the Chinese don't trust the internet, don't use credit cards (they use debit cards which don't allow monthly recurring charges), and ad buys aren't tracked on a CPM/CPC/CPA basis.