THE TIMES -- Oct 29 -- Thousands of young British Asians are spurning the tradition of allowing their parents to choose their partners and are instead relying on internet dating. 700,000 of's ten million members are in Britain and of the 100,000 users browsing, about 10% are British. More than 10% of the profiles on have been uploaded by family members. People put up a profile, and what they're looking for — how religious they are, age, height, disabilities, pretty much everything. Then they can search and get their wali, a guardian, involved. Usually the guy goes to the girl's place and the wali asks the questions and they can get to know each other.
The full article was originally published at Times Online, but is no longer available.
Mark Brooks: BharatMatrimony and Shaadi are the leading matrimonials services. Orkut and Fropper are leading social networks.