Applauds Lawmakers For Passing Safer Dating Legislation - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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David Evans

Of course they do, they basically wrote and funded the bill. Interesting that Vest says background checks will not stop felons right in the press release.

Carol Lee

Problem here is they claim they check for felons but the do nothing whatsoever about the Nigerian scammers that they allow on their site.

A simple IP check on all new members would and could put a stop to this or at least cut it down.

But TRUE.COM does not seem to mind that hundreds of thousands of American men and women are being scammed out of their hard earned living......

Seeing as there are less felon's on their site than scammers,why bother.

Jon Coward (

Does anyone know if this affects free sites?

Steve Bywater

They tried this in other states, Florida and Michigan I think? Those legislators seemingly figured out that pandering to made them look ridiculous, or perhaps the kickback wasn't high enough.

Isn't NJ where The Sopranos was set? Loved that show.

I'm lazy... Mark Brooks, can you post/link to the actual legislation?

Mark Berry

Even if True bought and sold the legislation, I still agree. I think online dating companies should disclose their background screening process. But then I'm a love coach, not an online dating company. And I also didn't read the actual law... so I'll refrain from talking details. :-)

How does legislation in one state affect internet business practices? Does it only apply to companies based in NJ? I'm not quite sure if this does anything except tell other legislators that this is a good idea.

Mark E Berry
Love Kung Fu: Love Life Learning

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