MEDIA POST -- Feb 20 -- According to a recent Packaged Facts study, reported by MarketingCharts, African Americans are crucial to the consumer economy, with a population of 39 million and buying power of $892 billion, and expected to exceed $1.1 trillion in 2012. Black media continue to offer advertisers access to African-American consumers, who also share many of the mainstream media preferences of other American viewers and readers:
* Television is a top source of media consumption, with 4 in 10 households containing 4 or more televisions.
* Spending on magazines is 6% more than the national average.
* Radio and newspapers are less popular than the average.
* Internet use is still lagging, but by 2012 penetration in the African-American community is expected to reach 62%.
The full article was originally published at Center for Media Research, but is no longer available.
Mark Brooks: You can see a ranking of the top African American dating sites by going to Internet Dating Official Rankings over on the right bar and clicking on Niche Internet Dating Rankings. Here are the current rankings for Black Personals.
- Black Personals, Hitwise ~ 1/08
1 Black People Meet
2 OnlineBootyCall
3 Black Singles