BOSTON NOW -- Feb 25 -- Free dating site OK Cupid markets itself virally, spending less than 1% of its budget on advertising. "Everything about is geared toward the user getting out their credit card," said CEO, Sam Yagan.
BostonNOW: What advice do you have for others starting a business?
Sam Yagan: One of the key drivers to my success is picking really great business partners. You also have to be 100 % passionate about it.
BN: What do you wish you had known before you started your business?
SY: Human resources really are the most important thing you have, so I wish I'd spent more time recruiting and developing the crew that we had.
BN: What's the biggest mistake you made in getting your business going?
SY: I think early on we didn't spend enough time differentiating ourselves from the competition. I spent too much time on the concept of "free". It's not about just being free, it's about being free and better.
The full article was originally published at Boston Now, but is no longer available.