OmniDate, Igor Kotlyar - OPW Interview - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Fernando Ardenghi

Which is the difference between
using SecondLife for virtual dating purposes?

" ..... how over the next 5 years, the industry will evolve from a 'database' toward the 'entertainment' end of the spectrum. "

entertainment for 13-25 years old persons (teenagers) not interested in serious dating. They need exclusive CONTENTS. Each person will have its private Truman Show. Everybody will be Truman for 5,000 "friends" (casual acquaintances).

26-and more years old persons interested in serious dating will need quality CONTACTS (compatible real persons). The next generation of online dating will be more scientific than ever, the 16PF5 normative test in different languages will be a "must have".

Kindest Regards,

Fernando Ardenghi.
Buenos Aires.
[email protected]

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