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Ross Williams

I'm always curious why a site would brand itself on one particular feature and differentiate itself on that feature.

MySingleFriend.com in the UK launched over a year ago with a similar idea.

Match recently added a new feature to their site, MatchMy Friend.

We're adding this functionality to all sites that want it on our White Label network.

When more sites offer this, what then is the attraction of a brand which tried to differentiate itself purely on that feature?

Good to see innovation, bad to see a brand trying to differentiate itself purely on that innovation. It won't work.

Michael "Bishop" Emery

A ladyfriend of mine used this service and found it to be a pleasing experience. While I know other dating sites are following a similar "get your friends involved" option, "Engage" is the only one so far that I know of anyone finding success through this clever process.

Be well, and Live Unleashed Michael "Bishop" Emery www.alphaunleashed.com

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