PHYSORG -- June 27 -- People are enticed by's offer of "millions of possibilities." But, as a team of researchers has shown in a recent study, this abundance of options may not make the chooser feel or choose any better than a pool of just a half dozen or so options. Researchers asked 88 participants what they thought was the ideal number of potential mates to choose from (range of 1-5,000). They said they would be most satisfied with 20-50 mate options. According to the study, people aren't paying very close attention to all of the various information provided in the profiles when they have many profiles to sift through and, thus, they might be missing out on interesting/suitable potential mates in this choice context.
The full article was originally published at PhysOrg, but is no longer available.
Mark Brooks: Most dating sites offer up match options in this sort of quantity. Its when the users search that they quickly become inundated. Younger women can often feel overwhelmed with attention. The best option for them is to remove their photo and do the searching themselves.