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Tom Martin

Have to say I agree with Mark – mutual attraction is what it’s all about in the dating game. Eyealike is on the same track as MyDouble in using facial recognition as a filter for dating sites. It’s a technology, driven by the security and law enforcement sector, which has become pretty mature over the last couple of years.

MyDouble takes a more straight forward approach than Eyealike in allowing dating site users to find their ideal date with someone who looks like a celebrity they like, or someone who looks like a member they like, or indeed looks like anyone they like. The results can be pretty amazing and sometimes quite bizarre – especially when you find lots of guys substituting Brad Pitt’s photo for their own (I wonder how they get past the first date – assuming they ever get that far).

Eyealike’s ‘Attraction Trait Levers’ where a user can tweak the results for personal preferences around face shape, skin tone, and hair color may be a little too complicated. Time will tell however, if all that is really needed is the ability to easily find someone who looks like... a celebrity, a hot member, your ex, or even yourself! Whatever the outcome it's great news for dating site users!

Dave Evans

I'm hearing more and more from companies like this. I used to talk about a self-replacing grid of faces year ago. A few companies have tried this but you need a partnership with a dating site or better yet make the first few hundred grand with a facebook app.

A new site based on this technology is going to be difficult to grow.

To me honest, part of me loves the idea, the other part cringes at the thought.

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