Internet Dating Scams Can Get Expensive - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Devil Called Love

It's a never-ending battle fighting these scammers. We've ended up blocking ent ire countries, which is a real shame because it penalises people with real profiles.

Mark Brooks

We reviewed some dating sites while in Prague recently and found that half of them had blocked Prague. Thats a shame. iovation (client of Courtland Brooks) helps dating sites work together to kick scammers asses. Its a real problem. This is a real solution.


Thanks for this reporting mechanism, as the internet is a technological highway for liars who hide. Steve Colescott or [email protected] is a bisexual addict, hiding and posing as a man seeking females. He cannot tell the truth and leave these 'heterosexual' sites alone. But people like you help victims like us in being safe.


Your site is great ! Keep people aware and informed as the internet is the criminal super highway for predators, cheats and liars. There are reasons people have to hide behind their computers. They are called anti-socials, sociopaths, or psychopaths. Check out too, as that site gives cases, profiles and more.


Steve Colescott, aka [email protected] contacts as a "closeted" bisexual interested in regular play with his first message. His antics are suspect and one thing, dishonest. Whether bi or gay, straight, I wish people would be secure enough to contact others with truthfulness. So thank u for this info. I concur.

jeff paul scam

yeah i must say these kinds of scams are spreading every where , even all the social networks like facebook or orkut are full of it .


The name of my ex is Steve Cole. He left up a site that I found one morning with him dressed like a woman. He had two looks, one with his natural hair and one in a black wig. I was so shocked. I never looked at the email address he was using. I do not believe in coincidences. More confirmation on my decision to become a single woman. I was a victim of his abuse for too many years.

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