WSJ -- Sep 15 -- Book review of The Numerati. The world is buried in data. Computer programs drill through it all to pick out patterns and trends that may be useful to marketers. The Numerati are taking over dating services, too. How do you find that special one in a million? By mining the data of the million. The Numerati are even mining the output of bloggers. FULL ARTICLE @ WSJ
"computer programs that will drill through it all to pick out patterns and trends"
"the electronic trails that we all now leave behind us as we work, shop, travel, date, trade or fall sick"
*data mining* is outdated since years!!! it was replaced by *business intelligence* but it is not always valid to convert previous indicators in results forecast for future sales.
"The Numerati are taking over dating services, too. How do you find that special one in a million? By mining the data of the million. How do you improve your own chances of being found? By the same techniques that companies use to show up first in a Google inquiry -- 'search engine optimization' now a flourishing industry."
search engine optimization? I think The Numerati is wrong for dating services.
If you want to predict the behaviour of a person, you need to assess his/her personality.
High precision personality profiling is the correct path to find *some* in a million,
3 most similar_to_you persons in a 100,000 persons database,
12 most similar_to_you persons in a 1,000,000 persons database,
48 most similar_to_you persons in a 10,000,000 persons database,
Fernando Ardenghi.
Buenos Aires.
[email protected]
Posted by: Fernando Ardenghi | Sep 15, 2008 at 08:35 PM