Mike Fitzgerald, BoneFish CEO Interview - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Christian Singles

Scamming is certainly becoming one of the biggest irritants for online dating sites.

Here at Single Christian Network we notice that as soon as spot their technique they find something new. What started long ago as Russian women posting model photos of 22 year old ladies has evolved and spread.

Now they post "normal" photos - middle age, average looking men and women that in no way seem out of the norm.

What started as a lady in Russia looking for some cash for a visa is now "Americans" visiting Nigeria to build a school for the poor and getting "stuck" there.

And while once it was easy to block an IP address or a block of them from Nigeria, they now use forged USA addresses and accounts from American companies.

They are getting smarter.

One "fun" thing we like to do with them - and we would encourage everyone to do something like this - is, instead of blocking them from filling out an application we just block them from getting inside. They take the time to fill out an application and then inquire about why they can't log in. They get a note back apologizing about the technical problem and invite them to fill out another application - and over and over until they finally catch on. It isn't much, but causing them to waste an hour filling out application forms means they have an hour less to do any actual scamming.

Ross Williams

Scamming is an issue for all successful dating sites.

Everyone running a dating site on our network benefits from Iovation protection - as far as we know, we're the only white label dating provider that uses Iovation to help reduce scammers.

Used in conjunction with other measures such as those described by Mike above, we're seeing real benefits with members staying on our sites for longer than ever.



I just started my free dating site (shameless plug: www.FindOneTrue.com) (within the last month) and already I'm seeing scamming. The first measure I've taken is to restrict message frequency to 3 minutes. This seems to be working well so far. Next I will start logging IP addresses of users and banning suspected scammers. I am slightly hesitant to do this because with dynamic IP addresses, I am concerned about banning legit users.


Peter Hill

Scam central? Pot calling kettle! I've been on Bone Fish now for about 3 years I've only had one genuine message, 100's of fakes. Things like "please read my profile and get in touch", yet the profile is empty! or has been deleted/hidden. Or profile says 40 years old yet d-o-b says 44 and I have to think the account has been usurped. That one genuine message was to tell me to FO as she said hadn't sent the message I got from her that I replied to and wasn't interested. Didn't seem very bothered that it quite definitely had her account ID on the message I got.


Unfortunately as long as people can sign up with an email address and unverified photo and information it's going to be tough to block the scammers.

I run East meet West a Russian brides dating site. I've done so since 1999 quite successfully. It is an affiliation with a network based in Ukraine. We have very little in the way of scammers. This is due mainly to the fact that all the women have to visit an agents office in person with their passport and another form of id. It's very difficult for scammers to operate through our service.

Of course it's not 100% bullit proof and we have come across agencies who work together with women to try and operate scams usually in the form of letter writing which is the main source of our income.

We're also inform our male members to let us know of any solicitations for money for whatever reasons. They also let us know very quickly if letters seem generic.

We also receive copies of every letter sent and received and each agent has to keep the hard signed copies of every letter a woman writes for 3 years and we can ask to see them at any time without notice.

We generate a lot of income for around 100 agents throughout Russia, Ukraine and the FSU. We have a number of agents still with us since day one and literally 1000's of honest women looking for a decent guy to marry.

Unfortunately Russian women all get tarred with the same brush when in reality there are a lot of very honest women in these countries just looking for love like many others. I should know I've been married to one since 2001!

I just wanted to put across the other side of the arguement and defend my wife's country and reputation!



"They get a note back apologizing about the technical problem and invite them to fill out another application" -- so you basically lying to another humanbeing -- you sure you guys from _CHRISTIAN_ singles network???


I too have had experience with Bone-Fish sites, obviously they don't want the Russian and Nigerian scammers giving them a bad name they're doing that all by themselves. The number of messages I've had where they haven't read the profile or when I look at theirs they aren't looking for single guys is ridiculous but then I believe the messages are not real anyway but automatically generated spam with the sole purpose of getting me to pay to be able to reply, I did once when I was new to the internet but guess what as soon as they had the money all the messages stopped until the subscription expired.

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