Rolls Out Personality Testing - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Fernando Ardenghi

Match UK
"Our new personality test is game-changing," says Stockwood. "It really sets us apart from the competition. It's the biggest product innovation we've made in five years. We want to give people the best range of tools to be successful in love and this will help them."

Jason Stockwood, great bandit!!!
The new personality test of Match UK is the same as ............. Chemistry's test!!!

There is no innovation using Chemistry's test. (I know because I had just taken the test using a fake profile, I have some screeshots.)

I remember I had seen two draft papers from Chemistry:

The first clearly shows:
a) that Chemistry has a low successful "1.2.3 MEET in person step-by-step process", low successful first meeting rate for its members.
b) its matching method only reported early stage attraction between prospective mates and after the first meeting; in some persons attraction reduces its level OR worse even, morphs/metamorphoses to rejection.

The second shows:
a) the high serotonin type (Builder) who is attracted to people like themselves and the high dopamine type (Explorer) who also is attracted to people like themselves, could be looking for a LONG term romantic relationship.
b) the high estrogen Negotiator who is attracted to the high testosterone Director and vice versa, could be looking for a SHORT term romantic relationship.


Fernando Ardenghi.
Buenos Aires.
[email protected]

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