Bad Economy Does Dating Good - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Jones Jitter

According to Google Adwords statistics, searches on 'dating' is falling FAST - VERY fast.. how can that be, when everyone is talking about growth?

Mark Brooks

Definitely not good news. It may be time to do another survey round to see if sites are still seeing year over year growth. There's ALWAYS a significant drop off after Valentines. The real question here is, are sites, in the aggregate, seeing less business than last year. I'll run another post on OPW shortly to find out.

Mark Brooks

Jones Jitter

Good idea!

According to the numbers I've seen - the searches in the UK has been cut in half within the last couple of months. It's the same thing in Denmark. I'm not sure about the US since we're not present in that market yet. It seems to drastic that it COULD be Google using a new technology to measure it - I don't know.. it seems very weird.

Let me know what you find out.


When people are going through tough times they look to be with people who care about them, who will understand their concerns.


All I know is "dating" costs money. I have less money now than a year and a half ago.
Guess what ? I date LESS.

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