OTTAWA CITIZEN -- Mar 16 -- "We had the busiest December we've ever had," says Linda Miller, owner of Misty River Introductions. "When times are tough, you tend to think about what's important", she says. "In down times, people want to hook up, meet other people, share expenses, do things together," says Markus Frind, founder of, the Vancouver-based site that bills itself as the world's largest online dating service. Markus says his business is up 30% since December.
The full article was originally published at Ottawa Citizen, but is no longer available.
After spending time filling in an application with all of my match requirements and meeting with Linda Miller, I was sent matches who had zero to do with what I had indicated.
They also made mistakes in my profile, which they were sending out to possible matches.
Subsequently, I have been in touch with 3 men though two different dating websites, who also had signed with Misty River. They all had the same story - they had given up and kissed their money goodbye, because all of the women who were suggested as matches also had nothing to do with what they were looking for.
I would stay away and save your money. They claim to have 11,000 people in their database, but I would highly doubt this or they would actually provide appropriate matches. This opinion is shared with the gentlemen I spoke to.
BTW, Linda doesn't do the actual matching - she is usually out on interviews with new clients. Very smart at making money, but once you've signed up, the service stops cold.
On the application, you are asked about your favourite activities. When I was matched with people who did not share any of my preferences, I was told that they don't match on activities. So, why have this on the application?
I am tall, so requested men taller than myself. I stated that I would like 5 years either way, but no more than that. I also made it clear that my children are grown and gone and wanted someone at that same stage in life.
The matches they suggested were either shorter than I am, 10 years older or 7 years younger, had shared custody of children - one gentleman with a 7 year old! Basically, the matches were completely inappropriate.
When I became frustrated and voiced my disappointment, I was told that I was being difficult. Linda herself also called me desperate, which I found almost funny... if I were desperate, I would have accepted the suggested matches just to be with anyone.
The men I have spoken to said that they were told the same thing. It would appear that she uses the same stories on her clients when they express their dissatisfaction.
Avoid them at all costs!
Posted by: Joy | Oct 09, 2010 at 12:42 PM