Greg Pierson, CEO Of iovation - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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This is in regards to the datesite…

This company is bogus. I have attempted to reach them for months… not even a response to their within-members email. The phone numbers do not work.
So far, ager s8 months , only 3 of over 50 contacts has been real.
I had been writing to a man who I found later on the scammers photo sites. No contact from the company.
He changed his name, and wrote me again.Over the past three months I have kept copies of letters which I reponded to rudely… and still received nice letters back– all computer generated. I’d also been writing to someone who I thought was real— no way to find out who he is.. and he says he ’s a spy and can’t say…. This is crazy. However, I’ve researched and noticed an upcoming online-date-industry-meeting in LA….. I plan on being there with printed copies and discs of my experiences with this company that is merely stealing money, creating profiles, and getting nice people into messes which should not occur.

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