Internet Dating Industry Weekly News - 4 Mins - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

« Max McGuire And Mark Semaan, co-CEOs Of RedHotPie | Main | Unemployment And Living With Parents Are Not Dating Deterrents »


Mark Brooks

I'm not sure why the sound is off in the videos. I capture the video in iMovie from the Apple Air camera, load to Final Cut Express in XML, render, then add in the effects, text and images. Re-render, convert to .mov in medium broadband format and the .mov sound is off. Looks fine in FCE, but is a little off in the final. Its the same problem using the mpeg4 format. Why? Anyone know? I'd like to fix this for next week if possible. Everything looks fine until the final export.

Felix Fidelsberger

I found it perfect. Very nice series by the way, gives a very good weekly update on all industry news.

- Felix

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