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Mark Brooks

Sorry this was a bit late this week. I'm still getting my head around Final Cut Express.

What day would you most like us to do these news roundups? Is Friday ok?

How can I do better, and make these more useful?

Ross Williams

Looking good Mark.

May I suggest you take a look at iMovie (free with the mac) - record a separate movie for each section, then just put them as individual scenes in the movie - let's you re-record an individual scene without affecting the whole movie and also makes it easier to put in screen grabs etc.

Once you're up to speed, would be great to have as an iTunes podcast so can subscribe to it and watch offline.

A recent recruit to the world of WLD is Mel Kirk who runs - worth a look.


Mark Brooks

I use iMovie to capture it, then Final Cut Express for editing. iMovie fell short for some of the editing work. FCE is far faster. I use teleprompter software running on an Apple Air for the text and the standard Apple Air camera.

I'd love to hook it up to iTunes. I distribute it to most of the major video sites, and there's a new site in the works for the weekly videos at

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