Breaking The Ice With A Virtual Gift - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Brian Balfour

"A large percentage of users on dating sites like sending and receiving virtual gifts. They help the senders stand out from the crowd, and liven up the communication which is very important to users. It's definitely a significant revenue opportunity for dating sites of all types. At Viximo, we have seen even higher conversions with a higher quality, fresher, and larger inventory of gifts then Zoosk has. The content is what makes a user stand out, so the better content you have the higher the prices paid and conversions you will see from users. The issue is that content can become expensive and time consuming for publisher to do on their own. Readers of this might also be interested in this post: Top 3 Reasons Users Buy Virtual Goods ( and checking out how Viximo has increased virtual goods revenue for other publishers."

kenneth shirley(4everhope)

what happened to my unlimited free gifts for my serios membership.also the gifts upgraded each do i get or find them?

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