Interview With Ross Williams Of - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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I tried to join WhiteLabelDating, but it didn't do much for me! The front page talks about easy to customize templates, but when you actually sign up for it you'll find that you only have one locked template you won't be allowed to even see. You'll need to have an extensive knowledge of html to even get started. Many people who decide to join a W. L. program obviously do not have designing skills otherwise they'd create their own site and keep 100% of the revenue. Hopefully Ross will read this post and perhaps make adjustments to help newbies make their dreams into reality. In the meantime I went with World Dating Partners for my site and am quite happy with them so far. I'm also looking into EasyDate, but still haven't been contacted yet. Their sites look pretty good and I'd like to have a site like that for another of my domains.

Tanya Fathers

Hi Chris, with my respect to Ross and what he did in the last couple of years, I would agree with you about luck of instant solutions on WLD platform. Did you have a chance to look at the new platform It has "best of both" - high conversions of WLD plus superb back end competitive with WDP and many more. To adress anyone who wants to meet Dating Factory team in person - we all will be at Idate 2010 in Miami.

Tim Simmonds

Hi Chris, sorry to hear you are awaiting contact from easydate. If that is still the case please email me directly on [email protected] and I will ensure we can get you up and running ASAP.

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