COUGARLIFE - Sep 30 - worked with ABC to produce a commercial that all parties agreed would fit best with the new show Cougar Town. However, after the commercial was produced and presented to ABC for broadcast, Claudia Openkelder, founder of CougarLife, was told that the Network Managers now had a problem with the site itself. is a dating site specifically for mature women who are interested in dating younger men. Ms. Openkelder has asked all women to boycott ABC’s new television series, Cougar Town, for what she calls sexist discrimination.
Mark Brooks: This niche will experience a major boom with the introduction of Cougar Town. Courtland Brooks just started working with
Yeah, awesome. Women in their 30s are now "cougars". Pathetic.
Posted by: Dope | Sep 30, 2009 at 04:51 PM
Panthers are older.
Posted by: Mark Brooks | Oct 01, 2009 at 08:40 AM
This is sure to be a short-lived trend. Cougars sites have been around for years. Have you seen the tv shows? Most are unwatchable.
Posted by: David Evans | Oct 01, 2009 at 03:43 PM
I thought the commercial was funny. The show is alright, I guess.
Women who date younger men in my area are referred to as:
Pumas 30-40 years old, Cougars 40-50 years old and Jaguars 50+ years old.
As for me? I'm a Puma and proud...hear me purrrrrrrrrr! HA! ;-)
Posted by: Tinka | Oct 01, 2009 at 06:27 PM
The Cougar dating trend fills a nice slot in the demographics of idating. There's a lot of twenty something year old guys chasing relatively few, in-high-demand, twenty something women. And guys 50+ are in short supply. So to have women in their 40's and 50's and 60's chasing younger guys helps reset the balance.
say, Dave,
Posted by: Mark Brooks | Oct 02, 2009 at 02:27 PM
C'mon, how many younger men really want to "date" a cougar? Let's call it for what it is - just a way for younger men to act out the kinky fantasy of dominating their older female bosses (i.e. she may be the boss at work, but I'm the boss at home...). How many younger men are really looking for a long-term relationship with an older female. Most of these women are just going to be used for sex, and maybe that's ok with some, but I'm guessing a lot actually want more than that...
Posted by: John C | Mar 27, 2010 at 01:28 PM
C'mon JOHN... stop thinking below the waistline.
Posted by: 15a | Apr 18, 2010 at 01:52 AM
On the flip side...
how many younger >>>GIRLS<<< you see strolling with grown men 15-40 yrs their senior? Let's call it for what it is - single, OLD, wrinkled men to act out the kinky fantasy with mail order girls. In order for them to have anything remotely long-term with an much younger female, he's aware he just became her sugar daddy because she knows.. their courtship if for sex. I'm guessing a lot actually will stoop for a sugar daddy's and will come from overseas to the U.S.A. to find it.
Posted by: HAHA | Apr 18, 2010 at 02:23 AM