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Fernando Ardenghi

Mr. Brooks!!!
That video is quite old, it was made before Feb. 13, 2008

"A Look Inside the eHarmony Love Lab
Online Dating Site Says Its Success Is Based on Science "

Feb. 13, 2008

eHarmony has been always the same:

1) Big5 to assess personality.
2) Dyadic Adjustment Scale to calculate compatibility (similarity) between prospective mates.
3) Guided Communication Process as an appendix of its main matching algorithm. The Guided Communication Process is a mutual filtering step.

eHarmony can only reach "as low as" 3 or 4 persons high compatible per 1,000 persons, so in a 10,000,000 persons database, there are as many as 30,000 to 40,000 persons to contact/date, that means a whole precision less than anyone could achieve by searching on one's own

eHarmony Labs is only a smoke curtain.
eHarmony is only supported by a big marketing budget and not by serious scientific evidence!

Mr. Brooks, please call Dr. Gian Gonzaga [Senior Research Scientist, eHarmony Labs. Phone: (626) 795-4814] and ask him for a peer_reviewed Scientifc Paper showing eHarmony's matching algorithm can match prospective partners who will have more stable and satisfying relationships than couples matched by chance, astrological destiny, personal preferences, searching on one's own, or other technique as the control group


Fernando Ardenghi.
Buenos Aires.
[email protected]

Mark Brooks

I thought it was a nice weekend piece. I found it on Online Dating Magazine, btw.

Farren and Travis

Hey Mark,

I like what you have going on here. My wife and I met through e-harmony and we can vouch that it works. We've also just had our first kid so there is another e-harmony baby to add to the list.

Your site is pretty good, I wish it was up back when I was in online dating.

To Your Success, Travis and Farren and Travis (eharmony couple)

Mark Brooks

Power to you Farren and Travis. What other dating sites did you try, alongside eHarmony. How did they compare for you?

Just Curious

Hey Ferren and Travis

Thanks for the post... however I'm curious as to its motives.

Most couples once they have found love and happiness, got married, had children, etc, tend to have little to no interest in online dating anymore, let alone find and read a specialist online dating industry website!

Therefore I am genuinely curious as to your status as a 'featured e-harmony couple'.

- What does this arrangement entail?
- Do you act in a PR capacity beyond the site for e-harmony?
- Have you appeared elsewhere promoting the site?
- How did you find this specialist site?

And if you are genuinely interested in online dating... what are your views on the first post here from Mr Ardenghi?

I'd love to know...

Nick Tsinonis

The comment on physical attractiveness does not make sense. Obviously we're not physically attracted to each other when we're older but that doesn't mean that physical attractivenes is not important while in the early pre-marital/early dating stages.

Would be interesting to see some real research on this as I've seen quite the opposite. People rating each other without talking for 3 mins, and then talking to each other for 3 mins and re-rating each other almost never change their minds from first impressions. This BBC study shows that physical atarcativeness IS very important. See: (also very entertaining)

Nick Tsinonis

About 2 years old but very good: The Science of Attraction from BBC series on Secrets of the Sexes style=width:400px;height:326px allowFullScreen=true allowScriptAccess=always type=application/x-shockwave-flash>

Top UK Dating Sites (Temi)

I find it quite interesting when human interaction which has existed way before science is being put under the microscope etc to pinpoint the "chemistry" and all the other factors that is supposed to make a man and a woman click. This are all interesting stuff but I am not sure the microscope approach makes one dating site superior to the next.

Farren and Travis

Sorry for responding so late. We actually didn't try any along with eHarmony. I had tried and runningsingles before eHarmony, but eHarmony was the only one we tried with full force.

If you have any more question please e-mail me as I do not frequent this site. Sorry I was just passing through that day while doing some other research for a friend.

And thanks for the congrats!

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