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Fernando Ardenghi

The T_shirt Experiment only proved that normally cycling women (not pregnant and not taking contraceptive pills) are (temporarily) attracted by the perspiration scent of clothes used by men with a Major Histocompatibility Complex MHC more dissimilar to theirs,
and not proved:
women attracted by those men for long term mating with commitment.

There is a milestone paper "Does the contraceptive pill alter mate choice in humans?" written by Drs. Alvergne & Lummaa (2010) that is a big punch to "matching methods based on the T_shirt Experiment"

Alvergne & Lummaa clearly say:
"Furthermore, whereas normally cycling women express a preference for MHC (major histocompatibility complex) dissimilarity in mates, pill users prefer odours of MHC-SIMILAR men, indicating that pill use might eliminate adaptive preferences for genetic dissimilarity."
Only short-term but not long-term partner preferences tend to vary with the menstrual cycle [Gangestad & Thornhill 2008 paper: "Human oestrus"]

Papers showing the newest & freshest Research in Theories of Romantic Relationships Development outline: compatibility is all about a high level on personality similarity between prospective mates for long term mating with commitment.


Fernando Ardenghi.
Buenos Aires.
[email protected]

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