MAIL ONLINE - Jan 11 - DNA matching offers the chance to pick a partner with the widest possible variety of genes and therefore the best immune system for any potential children,’ explains Eric Holzle, a former engineer-turned-matchmaker who runs ScientificMatch. DNA testing can ascertain whether or not you will have ‘a more satisfying sex life with less chance of cheating’. Both ScientificMatch and Swiss company,, which provides a DNA matching service for a variety of dating sites in Europe and the U.S., cite the infamous 1995 ‘sweaty T-shirt’ experiment in which women were asked to sniff the T-shirts of similarly aged men and rate their body odours as proof that DNA matching works. ScientificMatch offers life membership site for ~£1,200. Meanwhile, GenePartner’s tests start at ~£60. FULL ARTICLE @ DAILYMAIL.CO.UK
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The T_shirt Experiment only proved that normally cycling women (not pregnant and not taking contraceptive pills) are (temporarily) attracted by the perspiration scent of clothes used by men with a Major Histocompatibility Complex MHC more dissimilar to theirs,
and not proved:
women attracted by those men for long term mating with commitment.
There is a milestone paper "Does the contraceptive pill alter mate choice in humans?" written by Drs. Alvergne & Lummaa (2010) that is a big punch to "matching methods based on the T_shirt Experiment"
Alvergne & Lummaa clearly say:
"Furthermore, whereas normally cycling women express a preference for MHC (major histocompatibility complex) dissimilarity in mates, pill users prefer odours of MHC-SIMILAR men, indicating that pill use might eliminate adaptive preferences for genetic dissimilarity."
Only short-term but not long-term partner preferences tend to vary with the menstrual cycle [Gangestad & Thornhill 2008 paper: "Human oestrus"]
Papers showing the newest & freshest Research in Theories of Romantic Relationships Development outline: compatibility is all about a high level on personality similarity between prospective mates for long term mating with commitment.
Fernando Ardenghi.
Buenos Aires.
[email protected]
Posted by: Fernando Ardenghi | Jan 11, 2010 at 04:28 PM