eHarmony Invested In - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Mr. Brooks:

It will be great if you can interview the CEO of eDarling and ask him how eDarling can substantiate its claims.

There are several versions of eDarling: for Spain, France, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Poland.

I suspect eHarmony had sold its compatibility matching method - but improved - to eDarling.
eHarmony could use eDarling as a guinea pig and then try to improve eHarmony USA, eHarmony UK, eHarmony Australia & eHarmony Canada sites.

Anyway, eDarling is more of the same stuff already available, like Parship, Be2 or MeeticAffinity.
eDarling uses the Big5 to assess personality of daters
eDarling expresses compatibility with a percentage like 75%, 80%, 95%, so it will suffer the range convergence phenomenon, 3 to 4 persons compatible per 1,000 persons screened, in the same range as searching on one's own or recommendation engines.

eDarling is not going to revolutionize the Online Dating Industry.

You can see a review in my blog.

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