MSNBC - Mar 29 - According to a study in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, men are “more likely to misrepresent personal assets, relationship goals, personal interests and personal attributes whereas women are more likely to misrepresent weight.” JDate - has been crashed by so many non-Jews over the years. "I think people don’t pay attention to the specialty aspect of the site” says Tina Tessina, psychotherapist and author of “The Unofficial Guide to Dating Again.”“Whether a relationship can make it or not depends on the character of the two individuals,” she says. “Not their external circumstances.” Furthermore, pretending to share some common interest might make a potential partner angry. “You can only fake it for so long,” says Wellman, who advertised on “It’s not like the girls are going to ask to see your bank statements but if you take them to Jack in the Box for dinner, the jig is up.”
The full article was originally published at MSNBC, but is no longer available.