Moses Brown, Founder Of And - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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1000 sign ups a day through word of mouth?! Wow, Mo Brown, you are my hero and inspiration. I have been trying to get my dating sites off the ground just with some small social media efforts, but reaching 1000 sign ups a day through word of mouth is simply amazing!

debra stroud

trying to send my conformation, for some reason Its not getting to you, so i am sending my conformation to you this way..for some reason I am having trouble getting in..thank you.


I think it is a great idea, in theory. I've always felt that women enjoy the role of predator. However, the site seems to be run by left-fringe psychopaths. If you don't share their extremist political agenda, the staff harasses you, edits your profile to make you look bad, deletes pictures for no reason, etc. If the staff weren't such juvenile communist brats, the idea would be great. I removed my account within just hours because it was impossible to escape the silly games they kept playing with my pictures and profile.

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