GUARDIAN.CO.UK - May 12 - Women who are seven to nine years older than their husbands
have a 20% higher mortality rate than if they were the same
age. Marrying an older man shortens a woman's lifespan, but having a
younger husband reduces it even more, the study found. A study by Sven
Drefahl at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research in
Rosktock, Germany, shows that the greater the age gap between a woman
and her husband, the shorter her life expectancy, regardless of whether
he is older or younger. While the study shows that women on average die
younger if there is a large age gap in their relationship, married men
and women both tend to live longer than unmarried individuals.
So... when will someone come up with a date-someone-your-own-age niche dating site? now that all the sugar daddies and cougars are well-supplied with online dating arenas...
Posted by: lynn | May 19, 2010 at 06:47 AM
Very interesting article, but I am dating a woman nine years older than me and now I kind of feel bad. I don't think this will apply to our situation though.
Posted by: SteveRe | May 24, 2010 at 12:42 PM