's Free Alternate Service Becomes Singlesnet - Online Personals Watch: News on the Online Dating Industry and Business

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Steve Hammer

Confirmed. We shut stir down on May 14th. One of the more difficult things I've had to experience after pouring two years of my passion into it and its predecessor.

Christian Internet Dating

Oh...I loved it on and now with this migration, I am not sure how well it will be managed. Your passion was seen in the features and style of the great site.


What's so "free" about it? I just tried to email someone and it asked me for my credit Something about "featured" members and "non-featured" Another ridiculous "come on" for suckers... Puhhleezz !! Oh how cute...they just sent me a fake "someone's interested in you" from a the one profile I which is funny because I have no pic and a 10 word profile which I can assure you noone would be interested in....ha ha ha!The site looks awful as well.You couldn't PAY ME to be on it for real. I don't get it.Why don't they just morph all these people into Match too? Next ................

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